Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Family Room Addition:: Almost Done

I'm thinking about extending the deck behind the garage.

Still need to frame the stair stringers, railing, and decking.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Coonamessett Farm Fat Tire Race 2012


Mark and Alec leading the pack. They came in 1st and 2nd.

Yep, that's me. First bike race in almost 20 years.

Geo taking a beer handout. I think this is the only reason I almost caught up with him during the last lap.

Coonamessett Farm Cyclocross 2012

Friday, November 09, 2012

Things 4th Graders Say

The kids in my class love playing with these word magnets...

Girl Power.

Words to live by.

Monday, October 08, 2012

More House Suffering

I installed two more windows this weekend. Cutting back the clapboards so that the trim would fit was a huge pain, and took the better part of the afternoon on Saturday. Still need to repair/paint some drywall, and install the interior casings, but at least they are weather tight. Six down, seven more to go.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Bathroom Remodel:: Shower Tile, Day 6

I still need to grout, but at least the tile is done. That's a job I'm happy I don't have to do on a daily basis.

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Help Me WIn a Bike Corral for My School

Help me win some much needed bicycle parking for the East Falmouth Elementary School. We have a growing number of bike commuters, but no designated bicycle parking. Our school is one of eight organizations in the running for a Saris bike corral. Voting continues until midnight tomorrow (May 30th), so use the link below and LIKE the Saris page first, then click on the Bike Corral Contest photo. EFES is listed as one of the finalists. We are currently in 2nd place, but only by a couple of votes. You can only vote once so share the page with your friends once you have voted. Thank you!


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Bathroom Remodel:: TIle

Got around to tiling the floor this weekend. The shower will have to wait until mid-April when I have a week off. Spent 5 hours yesterday cutting and dry-fitting everything. Way easier than cutting as you go like I've done in the past. Should be able to grout after work this week sometime. Not the greatest pics I know, but you can get the idea.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Ride The Divide

Ride The Divide Movie Trailer from Ride The Divide on Vimeo.

I'm trying to raise enough money to buy new bike racks for the East Falmouth School. I'm considering hosting a screening of Ride The Divide, which is an award-winning film about a 2700 mile long mountain bike race along the Continental Divide in the Rocky Mountains. Anyone know any venues in Woods Hole or Falmouth that might be able to seat 100-200 people? Anyone want to help me try to pull thing thing off?

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Ready for Paint

Had a few days off between Christmas and New Year's, so I finished up the drywall in the bathroom. Next up is paint, trimming out the window, then laying tile on the floor.