Thursday, October 13, 2005

Who Knew Bobby Weir Paddled?

It's been a hell of a long time since I've posted anything, over a month I suppose. No excuses, been busy with work and the family. We spent last weekend at a friend's condo in Sunday River, Maine. I was hoping to do some hiking with my daughter, but it pissed rain all weekend. We made the best of it though, still good to get away. Driving up late Friday night I hit a deer that was dead in the road. The Subaru came out of it unscathed, the kids never woke up, but it scared the shit out of me for sure.

This weekend I am paddling in the 18th Annual Head of the Weir with Rog, should be fun. It's a 5 plus mile paddle from Hingham, past Bumpkin Island, across Hull Bay, to the Windmill Point Boathouse in Hull. This year the race is open to all gigs, single and double livery boats, currachs, kayaks, and ocean shells. We will be paddling our sea kayaks against some of the best collegiate paddlers from New England and New York, I hope we smoke their asses. It's been raining all week, with no end in sight, so it should make for an exciting race. I will post our results on Monday.

Cheers, and have a good weekend.

Listening To: Thelonious Monk- Straight, No Chaser


Rambling Canuck said...

Good luck, amigo.

Anonymous said...

Hello, take a look at this site: outdoor lighting franchise.
This is a manufacturer of the ultimate outdoor lighting system !
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JMH said...

anonymous- thanks, but there are already enough outdoor lights in my neck of the woods. Wish I had a slingshot so I could take a few out.

Zoe said...

thank you for dropping by my blog. i have not tried salmon with mayo & brown sugar... mayo isn't a favored thing of mine... but it sounds interesting.

by the way, I love that song by t.monk!