Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Mullen Hall Playground

With two kids under 5, I spend a good deal of time at local playgrounds, especially during the summer. I've been meaning to post something about this playground for quite some time, but I wanted to wait until I had decent pictures. Built last Spring, the Mullen Hall Playground has a science/nautical theme, including friction slides, a DNA ladder, boats, and a replica of a lighthouse. The community raised the cash and it was constructed in just 7 days, built completely by local volunteers. Up to 300 people a day turned out to help. I volunteered one night and helped to finish the "Tot Lot" (for kids 2-5). It was amazing to watch the transformation of this massive project, I've never seen anything like it. As far as I know, it is the largest playground in Massachusetts. My two little ones love it.

Part of the "Tot Lot" that I helped to build.

Listening to: Joe Strummer & The Mescalaros- Global A Go-Go

1 comment:

Rambling Canuck said...

that is very impressive. I wish there was one in Portland. Kids have it pretty good these days. All we had were swing sets and maybe a half-buried truck tire.